community blog

Mushroom Foraging in Fall – Firefly’s Favorite Five Fungi
Our favorite mycelial friends are back in action, and we’ve put together our top 5 favorite fall mushrooms in the Southern Appalachians, with ID tips, how to cook them and where to find them.

Living Relationally: An Exploration with Nastassja Noell
How do we live relationally when we are surrounded by polarization; when fulfilling our basic needs of food, water, and shelter are often in direct opposition to our intention to live with integrity and cause no harm? Explore the new publications from Firefly’s Registration Coordinator and resident lichenologist, Nastassja Noell, which explore what humans might learn from fungus about living relationally.

Why Covid Test? A Response from the Director
As our experience with Covid-19 continues to unfold and change, we feel called to speak to why The Firefly Gathering has chosen to require covid testing to come to our annual gathering in June.

Meet Tod Kershaw, The Pre/Post Apocalyptic Blacksmith
As a returning Perennial Workshops and long-time Annual Gathering Instructor, we thought it high time to celebrate this beloved instructor and close Firefly friend. Learn about his winding toward blacksmithing, dumpster diving, and the heart of the Earthskills community, and join him at his upcoming workshops this year!

An ode to Doug Elliott, Appalachian storyteller, herbalist and naturalist
One of Firefly’s treasured elders, Doug Elliott, brings his story and song year after year to the Firefly Gathering. In this most recent episode of the Ground Shots Podcast, Doug and Firefly’s own Kelly Moody sit down in his home to reflect on life close to the land, reasons for telling stories, and his curiosity about nature through the years. Blending interview with clips of past performances, this personal and detailed look into Doug Elliott’s life and exploration of his storytelling is not to be missed!

A life of living in the wilderness, fermenting on the road and facing the immediacy of death with Marissa Percoco, our Executive Director
Tune into this episode of the Ground Shots Podcast for a deep dive into stories from both domestic and nomadic life, the pros and cons of life in wilderness areas, and a journey that eventually landed Marissa into the heart of the Barnardsville community and The Firefly Gathering.

How to Be a Lichen
“How can we live in balance with our ecosystems and each other? How do we meet our needs without depleting Earth and exploiting each other? Earthskills. Learning the names and gifts of the beings around us. Earthskills. Creating with our hands in gratitude. Earthskills…and some dharma style biomimicry.”

Perennial Firefly : 2021 in Review
This year we launched Perennial Firefly, a series of sliding scale workshops offered around the Asheville area.

The Hunter’s Full Moon Gala Gratitudes
It’s time… for a humongous, joyous, and loving THANK YOU to everyone who came out to the Hunter’s Full Moon Gala! Whether you flew in solo or inspired friends and family to come along, danced in the audience or offered your time and talents- after two long years without an event, we are reminded of the many reasons we do what we do… it’s YOU!

Activism, Social Justice and The Firefly Gathering
Activism is nothing new to The Firefly Gathering, which started because a group of folks realized that the current paradigm was completely unsustainable for our species and planet. However, some folks say Firefly is not the place for activism…here’s our thoughts.

2020 Financial Statement
We hope this finds you basking in the ever lengthening rays of spring sunshine, even if that means seeking out a solitary beam of sunlight and letting it fall upon you in your quarantined reality. Whatever this time may look like for you, may the sun shine upon you and fill your soul with joy!

Firefly’s Response to Covid-10
As the world experiences this great COVID-19 crisis together, one of the best ways we can serve each other is to limit our contact, thereby slowing the rate of transmission and hopefully keeping health care available for all who need it.

Fuz Sanderson: How This Nature Boy Became Aware of His Own Awareness
Fuz has always been a nature boy, and as a child he found the greatest peace and intrigue with the outdoors. “There was an ah-ha moment,” Fuz remembers, “while by myself outdoors as a kid, when I first became aware of my own awareness. Nature did that.”

Scott Harrel: In Tune With the Rhythms of Nature
Nature is the “one constant that is always in tune, always on time, adaptable and yet very consistent. It’s the energetic connection that allows joy to fill one’s life. And with a life full of joy, there is no servitude – only gratitude.”

Sara Callaway on the Juicy, Visceral, and Exciting Nature of Nature!
“If we had more mature adults in touch with their deep selves and engaged with their soul work, the world would be a much better place.”

Jeff Gottlieb: Crafts, Cordage, and Community
“Build strong communities and learn to collaborate with each other. The day of the lone wolf is over.”

Ruthy Celis Remembers the Importance of Being Wild and Free
“The energy of Firefly Gathering rekindles a flame in my soul that is in danger of becoming extinct if I don’t visit; there I remember the importance of being wild and free and connected.”

Luke McLaughlin Goes Wild
“To me, Firefly is special because it’s the gathering that’s closest to home (literally). It’s the place where I can show up as my authentic self and be celebrated. It is the place where I can share my gifts as a teacher and also help inspire folks who are hungry for knowledge and skills.”

Artist Madison Moore Prioritizes The Outdoors
“It wasn’t until I started attending Earthskills gatherings that I reconnected with my ‘Little Me’ who had participated in nature, not existing merely as a witness and bystander to its workings.”

Nancy Basket Weaves Stories And Vines
Moving across the US and living in different areas prompted the use of whatever grew in the backyard.

Changing of the Guard
Marissa Percoco, a longtime member of the Firefly family, is our new Executive director.

2019 Firefly Financial Statement
The Gathering is run by a group of educators, activists and stewards who are working diligently to make this a financially sustainable project while promoting our mission.

Tips For Your First Firefly Experience
Don’t be shy! This gathering is full of like-minded, open, and kind-hearted folks. Make it a point to connect with someone new and you will be glad you did.

Sharing Herbal Wisdom With Children
I taught my oldest son that plants are our friends, and that they are living, breathing, and beneficial.

Savoring Spring with Ayurvedic Intuitive Eating
As the heaviness of winter slips away you may notice your body naturally craving lighter foods. The spring season begs us to please our palates with edibles that are lower in fat, cleansing, and naturally detoxifying.