community blog

Our Founder, Natalie Bogwalker
Over 10 years, ago, Natalie Bogwalker founded the Firefly Gathering. Drawing on her experience with primitive skills, she sought to create a space for folks to share their knowledge and come together to live with the earth. Natalie has moved on from administering the Gathering, but remains a critical part of our community

Why fermentation?
Sometimes I feel as though the bacteria chose me, and not the other way around.

Gifting: One of Many Ways to Say “I Love You”
Take a moment to pause and think about what we’re trying to accomplish by gifting at all.

Camping With A Newborn Baby
We have been blessed with a calm baby who loves nature, but many moments were difficult.

How to Bring Yoga with You to Firefly
Yoga is not only asana, or yoga postures, but a practice in uniting your mind, body, and breath to keep your body’s energy flowing freely at the gathering.

Book Nook: Braiding Sweetgrass
Kimmerer has created a joyful exploration of what it means to be human in an environment that we are in the process of destroying for political and economic reasons

Meet Firefly Gathering’s New Community Equity Advocate
Firefly is committed to creating a welcoming and diverse community with the help of Isa Whittaker.

Tracking And Awareness: How To Make A Tracking Stick
Building familiarity with tracks will teach details about the people or animals who make them.

Nutritious Zero Waste Snack Ideas for Camping
Simply changing our thoughts about food procurement and consumption can make a positive difference.

The Liberating Nature of Earthskills
Earthskills can teach us how to find, make, grow, raise, care for, and fix much of what we need in our daily lives.

Book Nook: The Nature Fix
Williams set out to research the science behind the physical, mental and spiritual benefits of getting up close and personal with Mother Nature.

Violet, Chickweed, and Nettles, Oh My!
There is nothing like foraging for wild foods to enhance our appreciation for the abundant ways that nature supports our lives.

The Sacred Economics of Cooperative Homesteading
Lots of folks choose to try to leave the earning-based system, yet what many people find is that this work is overwhelming.

Why I Bring My Son To Firefly
If my son does not wish for the hustle-and-bustle of what is often considered a traditional lifestyle, I want him to feel confident that this is okay.

Reclaiming Gifting
Gifting is costly, ungainly, and not only unsustainable, but downright wasteful. What must we do about this?

Book Nook: The World Until Yesterday
Traditional societies may possess more effective ways of raising families, resolving disputes, looking after their elders and healing their bodies.