2025 Parking Passes

Every vehicle needs a Parking Pass.  Prices are for the entire event and cannot be prorated. All onsite parking passes are very limited and thus sell out early. Please consider joining a carpool!

Parking Pass Descriptions

  • Onsite Parking – $75 / vehicle – Walkable to the event, you will be able to drive on site and drop off gear.
  • Onsite Car Camping – $TBA* / vehicle  – For folks who want to camp on the ground next to their car in a tent. This area is inside the event grounds and close to the main fields. Parts of this area are on a slight slope. Space is very limited.
  • Onsite Small RV/Bus/Van Parking – $TBA*  / vehicle – For folks who sleep in their small camping vehicles. This area is relatively flat, but you may want to bring some blocks or boards to level things out more, as this site is very slopey. Limited to vehicles 25 ft or shorter. This field is inside the event grounds and close to the main fields. Space is very limited.

We will launch options for Car Camping and Small RV Parking this spring. Folks who purchase their Annual Gathering Tickets early will get pre-launch access to these parking options!

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Lily Harlin


Lily is an artist, creator, and dreamer. Since a very young age, she has been immersed in the natural world and draws heavy inspiration from the wild. Though her medium changes frequently, Lily’s art and expression always incorporate an element of the organic and unpredictable. She got her associate in fine arts in 2023, and now volunteers at her school as a ceramic studio monitor. She hopes to open a studio of her own one day to have a place to teach and inspire others. In addition to doing commission work, Lily has been creating many graphics for The Firefly Gathering since 2019. Lily grew up in the Earthskills community from the time she was eight years old, so having the opportunity to grow and give back in so many ways has been incredibly fulfilling. No matter where she ends up, this group of people and ideas will always hold a special place in her heart.