The Sacred Ritual of Everyday Tasks: An Interview with Emileigh Zola

“What a miracle all aspects of life are if we are able to just slow down and look through the eyes of a child. There is so much to be joyful for – so much to delight in. When I teach classes, I set the container by creating these moments for pause and reflection. I ask my students to create an intention that they can weave into their broom that will help to anchor them in presence as they sweep every day.”
Hide Fever: Instructor Feature with Rain Hall

“We are countering waste culture and consumerism by using the often discarded deer hides to make something beautiful, with our own hands, that was not bought in a store or mass produced. When we are learning, sharing and using these hide sewing skills, we are re-learning connection to the wilderness, the earth and that which provides and sustains us.” – Rain Hall
Winter Solstice: Musings On the Underworld, Being a Humanimal, and the Sacredness of Celebration From Our Director

Firefly’s Director Marissa Percoco dives deep into the ideas of voluntary simplicity, and of emphasizing the animal in humanimal in daily life, to sew into your own musings for the year to come.
Finding Solace: An Interview with Jessica Kaufman

“When all feels chaotic around me and inside me, I seek solace in my quiet time single-tasking on a craft that requires me to do nothing but the same movement over and over, building something that didn’t exist before.” – Jessica Kaufman
Living Relationally: An Exploration with Nastassja Noell

How do we live relationally when we are surrounded by polarization; when fulfilling our basic needs of food, water, and shelter are often in direct opposition to our intention to live with integrity and cause no harm? Explore the new publications from Firefly’s Registration Coordinator and resident lichenologist, Nastassja Noell, which explore what humans might learn from fungus about living relationally.