This page will help you determine which of the three pricing options is for you:

Sponsor, Standard or Equity Discount

1. Do you Qualify for the Equity Discount?

We are excited to be able to offer the Equity Discount. The Equity Discount is offered to those who are of any of these ethnicities and/or cultural backgrounds:

The fund is for people who: 

If you fit both of these criteria then we encourage you to choose the Equity Discount.

If not, you should not choose the Equity Discount, allowing the funds to be left for others who would not have access without the discount. 

2. Should you choose Standard Price or Sponsor Price?

This list of questions aims to help you self-assess and consider what rate to pay to attend this workshop. We understand that your experiences regarding these factors are unique and complex.  Thank you for taking the time to consider your options. 

If you answered “yes” to 5 or more of these questions, then we encourage you to choose the Sponsor Price.

If you answered “no” to 6 or more of these questions,  then Standard Price is probably the best fit for you.