Job Openings

The Firefly Gathering is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit providing educational and cultural programming to the Asheville area. We offer educational experiences which connect people to nature, ancestral wisdom, and skills of self-reliance and community resilience. Our goal is to remember teachings of the past to engage with our rapidly changing present to co-create a sustainable future.

We have around nine core staff members, with many more in support roles and who join during the annual event. You can read more about our current staff members and organization here.

Seasonal Positions

The Onsite Registration Coordinators will work together to run a warm and welcoming onsite registration and check-in experience upon arrival at the gate. This includes prior planning, training and management of the worktrade crew, management of onsite registration logistics and forms, data tracking, and customer service.

This is a part-time, seasonal independent contractor position requiring approximately 65 total hours each of work starting as soon as possible and ending June after the event. Firefly offers $650 plus entry to the event and meals. Most hours will be during setup and the event, while approximately 25 will be for planning and debrief meetings outside of the event.

Click here for a full description of this position.

We look forward to hearing from the following applicants:

  • BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and other systematically excluded professionals

  • Folks who are excited to work from home, alongside a mostly remote team of committed individuals on satisfying projects

  • Applicants with gaps in their resume, or who have recently been out of the workforce

  • Applicants wanting to improve themselves, their workplace, and their communities

To Apply

Send a cover letter and resume to [email protected] with a subject line “Application for Onsite Registration Coordinator – [your name]”. In the letter, please explain your interest in the position and why you think you would do well.

Year-Round Positions

Stay tuned for year-round openings