Why do Earthskills Matter? An Interview with Rain Hall

Meet Rain Hall, a Firefly Gathering instructor and buckskin expert. Discover their journey, passion for earthskills, and why Firefly Gathering holds a special place in their heart.
How to Process Deer From Beginning to End: An Ode to Buckskin

Join us on January 25th for Firefly Gathering’s Buckskin Sewing Workshop, where we’ll honor the Earth and reconnect with timeless traditions by transforming deer hides into beautiful, wearable buckskin.
Empowering an Abundance Mindset through Earthskills: Q&A with Carrie Hill

“Earthskills empower people with the knowledge to take care of ourselves and one another by utilizing practices that are directly connected with the earth.”
How to Bring Firefly Gathering Home

Hear what one Firefly Gathering attendee has to say about how to continue building on your experience at home.
Elevate Your Self Care: How to Tend to YOU at Firefly Gathering

As we settle in at the Wild Human preserve on the pristine Toe River in Green Mountain, NC, we encourage you to explore some of these self care practices during your time in the river or at a quiet place near your campsite or off in the forest.